Welcome to Placy Pro: The Future of Real Estate Technology

Welcome to Placy Pro: The Future of Real Estate Technology

A Pivotal Moment for Professionals

The real estate landscape is at a crossroads, shaped by the advancement of Artificial Intelligence. In the near future, half of all real estate agents face the risk of obsolescence – not due to market conditions, but due to a reluctance to embrace AI tools. The question isn't just about adapting; it's about survival. Which half do you see yourself in?

Introducing Placy Pro: Safeguarding Your Career

Placy Pro is a sophisticated white-label AI-assistant (SaaS) integrates with your existing CRM and WhatsApp Business account. It automates repetitive tasks, enhances sales strategies, and boosts personal income for the forward-thinking real estate professional

The Ultimate Benefit

With Placy Pro, expect your transaction rates to grow by 1/3, while reducing your workload by 1/3. It's not just about working hard, it's about working smart, delegating most routine tasks to AI

What can Placy Pro do for You?

Responds, Profiles, and Qualifies Prospects

Engaging potential clients while you focus on closing deals

Makes Preliminary Valuations

Fast, fairly accurate and always ready

Speaks Multiple Languages 24/7

Breaking language barriers, connecting you with a global audience

Publishes Ads

Your inventory becomes visible automatically

2025 Market Vision

Extending brokers' inventory and personalized control over shared commissions

Proactive and Productive

Enables effective interaction with Buyers and Owners effortlessly

Discover More About Placy Pro

April 2024

Placy is in its R&D phase, with a closed alpha scheduled for April

June 2024

Placy Pro's alpha will be available in June 2024

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